Over 60% of indigenous Mayan children suffer from Chronic malnutrition & 78% live below the poverty line. Guatemala is the 4th highest in the world with no social programs to address the issue. There is hope for helping these children, as malnutrition can be overcome. Change can be attained by providing: parental education, health care and information & immediate nutritional intervention. In these things, we secure the right of every Guatemalan child to have the nutrients essentially needed to develop into a healthy and productive member of society.
Education & Superfoods
Introducing them to basic concepts of health and nutrition and then providing them education and practical ways to plant, raise and prepare foods to empower them to become healthy and self-sustaining once more as their ancestors were. DIG focuses on utilizing resources like nutritional superfoods, moringa, chaya, chia etc. that can be grown and harvested locally.
Treating Malnutrition
Malnutrition is not only an effect of poverty, it perpetuates the cycle of poverty. Much research shows that children who are undernourished tend to suffer from learning difficulties and end up poorer. Proper feeding is the first step in breaking the cycle of poverty. Malnourishment of the mothers during pregnancy and nursing, as well as undernourishment of the children in the first 1000 days has a direct correlation to the high incidence of special needs and children with learning deficiencies in the country.
Introducing them to basic concepts of health and nutrition and then providing them education and practical ways to plant, raise and prepare foods to empower them to become healthy and self-sustaining once more as their ancestors were.
Hand Up, Not Hand Out
DIG addresses these issues directly through The Centre of Hope (Centro de Esperanza). We provide therapies and rehabilitation opportunities for children with special needs, malnourished children and their families, educational programs for the Guatemalan and indigenous Mayan population focusing on education, health, nutrition and agriculture. By providing access to educational & therapy programs this will aid the people to learn not only what to do but how to do it.